Game - Young Ambassadors of the Mediterranean

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Méditerranée"GAMe is a network of Mediterranean students who cares about the future of their living area. Thus they have decided to engage themselves in concrete reflexions and actions to :

Become actors of the future of the Mediterranean continent

Since Youth represents a significative part of the future strength of the Mediterranean area, the RMEI* created its student network : GAMe which stands for Giovani Ambasciatori Mediterranei (Italian for : Young Ambassadors of the Mediterranean).

GAMe is an association of Mediterranean students, who are all eager to face the challenges of this area. The executive committee of GAMe is composed of students and aims at coordonating their actions. The 3 main objectives of GAMe are :
to think about the Mediterranean area with the Youth’s point of view,
to face its challenges all together,
to support and develop the projects of the Young Ambassadors,
to support students’ taletns, education and development.

More information GAME

RMEI supports ambitious projects for education, innovation and research in the Mediterranean and for the future of the Mediterranean.

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